01/21/2012, The Grove Of Anaheim
Schecter Rocks NAMM! The guitar company’s 10th Annual NAMM Party at the Grove of Anaheim once again blew the doors off the joint as the Jagemeister and Arrogant Bastard Ale were flowing all night long to the thunderous sounds of Seether and Filter. Seether is currently on tour to support their latest CD “Holding Onto Strings Better Left To Fray,” while Filter is set to enter the studio this April to record the follow up to their 2010 release “The Trouble With Angels.” Both Seether and Filter use Schecter Guitars exclusively.
All Photos: Kevin Estrada www.KevinEstrada.com
blog: www.kevinestrada.wordpress.com
Not only does Schecter make arguably the best guitar on the market today, but they throw one hell of a party, as evidenced by the diverse crowd of Punks, Jocks, Rockers and every other type that came out to celebrate the company’s achievements at the annual Grove of Anaheim Blowout, this being the company’s 10th Annual celebration. This year, Schecter’s NAMM Booth at the Anaheim Convention Center drew overflowing crowds. Artist signings at the booth included Jeff Loomis, Richard Patrick of Filter, Seether, and Synyster Gates and M Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold.
Schecter Guitar Research has grown from a small custom shop to one of the biggest names in the music industry. The company is convinced that you can’t design and build a great guitar unless you live and breathe music. They do just that. The staff at Schecter is like family and includes a melting pot of styles. From Metal to Punk to Texas blues and everything in between. This versatility in styles, look and musical taste is reflected in their 2012 line. From the most popular Metal Guitar on the market, The Hellraiser, to the post punk jungle of the Stargazer…Schecter is a microcosm of what Rock and Roll is and what it should always be. Check out Schecter’s complete 2012 line at: www.SchecterGuitars.com
If you play a Schecter Guitar you know what a great instrument they are, and if you don’t, do yourself a favor and try one at your local dealer soon. The Schecter Guitar Company sets itself apart from others as their group of employees are more like family, who are professional, genuinely personable and stand behind their products. Although certainly not pro-war, Schecter’s founder Michael Ciravolo always mentions our troops over seas, so whatever your view on the war, please remember to think about these young men and women who are doing what they do so you have the freedom to do what you do.
Very Special Thanks : Bryan Wickmann
Please Visit : www.SchecterGuitars.com